Facts About Child Protection and Participation

Though children and youth form the majority of the population in the communities in which they live, they have traditionally been excluded from decision-making. At PRIDE, the role of children and youth is focused more intensively and they are being looked upon as change agents, who are active contributors to the well being and development of the family as well as the community. It implements programme in a way that increases the role of children, youth and parents by ensuring that they are the primary protagonists in programme implementation.

Child protection and well-being consists of reducing risks of violation of child rights, making children’s rights a reality, and creating an enabling environment that supports children’s positive development. In this regard, PRIDE. has initiated a children’s club in all its villages, to strengthen the activities of child protection and increase child participation. PRIDE conducts regular trainings of stakeholders on child protection guidelines and the violation of child rights. Those children who are at risk or who have been victims of child abuse/exploitation are referred for counseling.
PRIDE has also succeeded in creating children and youth federations at various levels and ensuring their representation in the decision making process in all its community development programmes.


Migration presents both opportunities and challenges for communities and children in particular. Muktashala initiated in 1995 in Kothurde village is an attempt to support children whose parents migrate to urban areas in search of work. It ensures that the child has a safe place to stay so that they are able to continue their formal schooling while the parents are at work. The well-equipped residential facility provides all the essential services such as nutrition, healthcare, recreation and after school support. The goal is to minimize the dropout rate of these children in school by providing a safe place which ensures their overall development and growth. Children from Muktashala are also encouraged to participate in village level programmes such as cleanliness drives, tree plantation and hygiene promotion programmes.