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Can help a child access quality education

Target $500.00

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Unveiling of our 40 years journey through Yaadein!

01 August, 2022

Our journey of impacting lives positively unveiled through a brochure 'Yaadein'. The PRIDE India t... READ MORE

PRIDE India completes 40 years of impacting lives!

01 August, 2022

Glimpses of PRIDE India celebrating the love and support received by the board and key members durin... READ MORE

Safeguarding the young!

19 January, 2022

In our efforts of achieving 100% vaccination in intervention villages so far, 2,99,119 adults have b... READ MORE

  • Donation Holders say Read Below

    PRIDE India has been a valuable partner to AkzoNobel in implementing our CSR projects in Maharashtra. Its strong presence on the ground and strategic implementation has helped us in making our projects sustainable and participatory. We look forward to working with them in times ahead!

    Parthasarathi Chagdar ( CSR Manager, AkzoNobel India Ltd)
  • Donation Holders say Read Below

    I have been associated with The PRIDE India since 4 years.  I strongly believe that the organization will help make sustainable change in our villages. Kudos to the PRIDE team for reaching more than a lakh lives each year!

    Nikunj Jhaveri (Founder, Systems Plus Ltd)
  • Donation Holders say Read Below

          “I’m so grateful that Pride India is implementing the Ideal Village programme in our village.   They helped us realize the importance of cleanliness and encouraged us to clean the village. We are also using newly constructed individual toilets. The team has changed our perspective towards our village. Thank you for diverting our energies and for bringing this positive change in us”

    Sayaji Ramachandra Jadhav (Ex. Sarpanch of Panderi village.)
  • Donation Holders say Read Below

    The PRIDE SPARSH Hospital is an ideal model of Public Private Partnership run in collaboration with the Government of Maharashtra since 1997. I witnessed cleanliness, patient friendly environment and other high-quality services at the hospital better than private hospitals in the city. I congratulate the team for their tremendous effort.

    Dr.Sadhana Jagade (Additional Director,Directorate of Health Services, Mumbai)