Digital up gradation in Sheltoli school by AkzoNobel
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Digital up gradation in Sheltoli school inaugurated by Mr. Suyog Seth from AkzoNobel site manager
With people keeping up with the times, it’s very important for us to stay in touch with the latest technology. Digital is surely the way ahead and with the future in the hands of our youth, it’s all more important to have them educated in the field of computers and technology.
This week was a milestone occasion for our us as school in Sheltoli, Mahad received a digital upgradation via site manager of Akzonobel, Mr. Suyog Seth and Mr. Parthasarthi, CSR manager of Akzonobel.
E Prashala, in built programme from 1st to 10th standard as per the government of Maharashtra syllabus. It’s a touch screen like software, where one can draw using the interface.
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