Adolescent Girls
- Posted In : Livelihood Development
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Participated in the life skills programme
Participated in the life skills programme
Participated in a youth festival of sports and culture
Awarded the Nirmal Gram Puraskar by the central government for their exemplary achievements
Established to mobilize women in the community
Giving access to financial credit
Benefitted through Outreach Programmes and Preventive Health Awareness through 2 Mobile Medical Units
Sachin Shashikant Khot, B.Com, PGDFM, has vast experience in Finance, Accounts, HR & Administration functions. In his career spanning two decades, he has been associated with well-known names in the development sector such as CHILDLINE INDIA FOUNDATION and CHARTERED INSTITUTE OF MANAGEMENT ACCOUNTANTS (CIMA), UK. As Finance Manager-Asia Pacific, he has played a key role in expanding the base of CIMA in India through setting up new offices at various locations. A dynamic leader, he believes in inspiring others & achieving success through teamwork.
Trained in ECCD care interventions and monitoring of development indicators
Trained in components of Early Childhood Care and Development
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